traction control YAMAHA YXZ1000R SS 2017 Owners Manual

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Improper Use of Off-Highway Vehicle Can Cause Severe Injury or Death
Read Owner’s Manual
Read Tips Guide for the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Driver Follow All Instruction and Warnings
Be Prepared
Drive Responsibly
If you think or feel the vehicle may tip or roll,
reduce your risk to injury: Pay Attention and Plan Ahead
Do not allow careless or reckless driving.
Do your part to prevent injuries: Require Proper Use of Your Vehicle
Rollovers have caused
severe injuries and death,
even on flat, open areas.
Stay completely inside the vehicle.
Passenger must be able to reach the handhold while
keeping feet flat on floor and sitting upright with
back against seat.
Driver must be able to comfortably reach all controls
while sitting upright with back against seat.
Wear an approved helmet, eye protection and protective gear.
Fasten seat belts.

Do not allow anyone to ride in the cargo bed.
Avoid side hilling (riding across slopes).
Plan for hills, rough terrain, ruts, and other changes
in traction and terrain. Avoid paved surfaces.
Avoid hard acceleration when turning, even from a stop.
Slow down before entering a turn.
Avoid abrupt maneuvers, sideways sliding, skidding,
or fishtailing, and never do donuts.
Avoid loss of control and rollovers: Do not put any part of your body outside of
the vehicle for any reason.
Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel
or handhold and brace yourself.

Do not exceed seating capacity: 1 passenger.
Do not allow operation on public roads
(unless designated for off-highway vehicle access)
— collisions with cars and trucks can occur.
Do not let people drive or ride
after using alcohol or drugs.
Make sure operators are 16 or older
with valid driver’s license.

Be Prepared
Adjust, lock and never remove handhold.
Always use handhold, Never hold cage.
Always wear seatbelt and helmet.
Toujours prévoir l’imprévu.
Régler et verrouiller la poignée de maintien; ne jamais la retirer.
Toujours agripper la poignée de maintien, non l’arceau de protection.
Toujours porter la ceinture de sécurité et un casque approprié.17
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Lire le Manuel du propriétaire.
Lire le Guide de conseils à l’intention du conducteur du véhicule récréatif hors route. Suivre toutes les directives et tous les avertissements.L’utilisation négligente d’un véhicule hors route
peut causer de graves blessures, voire la mort.
Les roulades ont déjà causé des
blessures graves et la mort, même
sur terrain plat et sans obstacles.
Utilisation vigilante du véhicule
Faire sa part pour prévenir les blessures : Ne pas permettre la conduite acrobatique ou imprudente.

S’assurer que le conducteur est âgé d’au moins 16 ans
et qu’il est titulaire d’un permis de conduire valide.

Ne permettre à personne de conduire le véhicule ou
d’y prendre place après avoir consommé alcool ou drogues.

Ne pas permettre la conduite du véhicule sur les chemins
publics (à moins que les véhicules hors route y soient
autorisés) – les collisions avec voitures et camions arrivent en un clin d’œil.

Ne pas dépasser le nombre de places disponibles : 1 passager.
Être préparé
Attacher la ceinture de sécurité.Porter un casque homologué, une protection pour les yeux et une tenue de protection.Le conducteur doit pouvoir rejoindre aisément toutes les commandes alors qu’il est en
position assise, son dos contre le dossier du siège.Les occupants doivent pouvoir rejoindre la poignée de maintien centrale alors que leurs
pieds reposent à plat sur le plancher et qu’ils sont assis le dos \
contre le dossier du siège.Demeurer entièrement dans l’habitacle du véhicule.
Conduire de façon responsable
Prévenir la perte de contrôle ou les roulades :
Éviter les manœuvres subites, glissements latéraux,
dérapages, queues de poisson et
zigzags; ne jamais tenter d’acrobaties.

Ralentir avant d’entamer un virage.

Éviter d’accélérer brusquement dans les virages,
même à partir de l’arrêt.

Être prêt pour pentes, terrains inhospitaliers,
ornières, aspérités du terrain et autres facteurs
réduisant la traction. Éviter les surfaces asphaltées.

Ne pas conduire sur le flanc des pentes.

Ne permettre à personne de prendre place dans la caisse de chargement.

Être prévoyant, être prêt
Si une roulade ou un capotage semble imminent, réduire le risque de blessures :Agripper fermement le volant ou la poignée de maintien et se préparer à encaisser le c\
Ne mettre aucune partie du corps hors du véhicule, pour quelque raison que ce soit.
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Improper Use of Off-Highway Vehicle Can Cause Severe Injury or Death
Read Owner’s Manual
Read Tips Guide for the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Driver Follow All Instruction and Warnings
Be Prepared
Drive Responsibly
If you think or feel the vehicle may tip or roll,
reduce your risk to injury: Pay Attention and Plan Ahead
Do not allow careless or reckless driving.
Do your part to prevent injuries: Require Proper Use of Your Vehicle
Rollovers have caused
severe injuries and death,
even on flat, open areas.
Stay completely inside the vehicle.
Passenger must be able to reach the handhold while
keeping feet flat on floor and sitting upright with
back against seat.
Driver must be able to comfortably reach all controls
while sitting upright with back against seat.
Wear an approved helmet, eye protection and protective gear.
Fasten seat belts.

Do not allow anyone to ride in the cargo bed.
Avoid side hilling (riding across slopes).
Plan for hills, rough terrain, ruts, and other changes
in traction and terrain. Avoid paved surfaces.
Avoid hard acceleration when turning, even from a stop.
Slow down before entering a turn.
Avoid abrupt maneuvers, sideways sliding, skidding,
or fishtailing, and never do donuts.
Avoid loss of control and rollovers: Do not put any part of your body outside of
the vehicle for any reason.
Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel
or handhold and brace yourself.

Do not exceed seating capacity: 1 passenger.
Do not allow operation on public roads
(unless designated for off-highway vehicle access)
— collisions with cars and trucks can occur.
Do not let people drive or ride
after using alcohol or drugs.
Make sure operators are 16 or older
with valid driver’s license.

Be Prepared
Adjust, lock and never remove handhold.
Always use handhold, Never hold cage.
Always wear seatbelt and helmet.
Head to Toe
Safety Checklist
YAMAHA 1XD-F1558-00HeadHelmet and eye protection.BodySeatbelt and protective clothing.HandsInside vehicle and holding the
handhold or steering wheel.FeetOn floor or footrests,
ready to brace, and door closed.
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can cause the tires to lose traction, reducing
control and increasing the possibility of an ac-
EWB00712Make sure the engine has sufficiently
slowed before shifting to a lower gear. En-
gaging a lower gear when the engine
speed is too high could make the wheels
stop rotating and lose traction. This could
cause loss of control, an accident and inju-
ry. It could also cause engine or drivetrain
damage. Recommended shift points
The recommended shift points during accel-
eration and deceleration are shown in the ta-
ble below.To drive in reverse
EWB03300Before you shift into reverse, make sure
there are no obstacles or people behind
you. When it is safe to proceed, go slowly.
Hitting an obstacle or
person could result
in serious inju ry or death. 1. Stop the vehicle and continue to apply
the brake pedal.
2. Check behind you.
3. Press the clutch pedal, and pull the re- verse gear lock lever.
4. Shift the transmission into reverse.Shift up points: 1st → 2nd: 19 km/h (12 mi/h)
2nd → 3rd: 33 km/h (21 mi/h)
3rd → 4th: 44 km/h (27 mi/h)
4th → 5th: 53 km/h (33 mi/h)
Shift down points: 5th → 4th: 30 km/h (19 mi/h)
4th → 3rd: 17 km/h (11 mi/h) Page 5 Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:33 AM

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If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or
roll, keep your body completely inside the
protective structure of the vehicle:
Brace yourself by pressing your feet firmly
on the floorboard and keep a firm grip on
the steering wheel or passenger handhold.
 Do not put your hands or feet outside of the
vehicle for any reason. Do not try to stop a
tipover using your arm or leg.
Avoid higher speeds and sudden or hard ac-
celeration until you are thoroughly familiar
with the operation of your vehicle. Avoid sud-
den or hard acceleration in any turn. Never
drive faster than is safe for current conditions.
Follow the instructions on pages 6-2 and 6-3
for shifting, downshifting, and shifting into re-
verse until you are thoroughly familiar with
each operation. Braking
When slowing down or stopping, take your
foot off the accelerator pedal and press the
brake pedal smoothly. Abrupt or improper
use of the brakes can cause the tires to lose
traction, reducing control of the vehicle and
increasing the possibility of an accident.
Braking ability is affected by type of terrain. In
most cases, gradual application of the brakes
is more effective than
abrupt braking, partic-
ularly on loose surfaces, such as gravel. Al-
ways allow for greater braking distance on
rough, loose, or slippery surfaces.
Engine compression braking will also help
slow the vehicle down. With the transmission
still in gear, take your foot off the accelerator
and allow the drivetrain and engine to absorb
vehicle speed. Downshift as necessary. Ap-
plication of the brakes provides additional
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over. Practice first on gentle slopes before at-
tempting steeper hills. Always check the
terrain carefully before attempting any hill.
To climb a hill, you need traction, momentum,
and steady throttle. For more traction and
control for climbing steeper and/or rougher
slopes, shift into low gear and select “4WD”
or “DIFF LOCK”. Travel fast enough to main-
tain momentum, but not so fast that you can-
not react to changes in the terrain as you
Slow down when you reach the crest of the
hill if you cannot see clearly what is on the
other side – there could be another person, an
obstacle, or a sharp drop-off.
If you start to lose traction or momentum
when climbing, and decide you will be unable
to continue, use the brakes to stop. Do not at-
tempt to turn the vehicle around. With your
foot on the brake pedal, look behind you and
plan your descent. Press the clutch pedal and
shift the transmission into reverse so you can
use engine braking to slow your descent. Re- lease the brake and clutch, and then begin to
coast down the hill. Use engine braking as
much as possible, gently applying the brakes
when necessary.
Check the terrain carefully before going
downhill. When possible, choose a path that
lets you drive your vehicle straight downhill.
Choose your path carefully and drive slowly
enough to be able to react to obstacles that
you encounter.
For more traction and control, before going
down steeper and/or rougher slopes, shift
into low gear and select “4WD” or “DIFF
LOCK”. Engine braking will help you go
downhill slowly. Go as slowly as possible. If
you begin to go too fast, apply the brakes
gently. Avoid hard application of the brakes,
which could cause the vehicle to Page 19 Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:33 AM